The New Year Begins

The new year begins and many people will write resolutions for the new year.  Many people will make those goals unattainable and fail within the first three months of the year.  Many people will try as hard as they can to accomplish their goals, but for whatever reasons beyond their control, they may fail…

This year…is NOT about failure.

This year is about what I CAN do.  What I CAN obtain.  What I WILL accomplish.

2018 will be the year that I accomplish realistic goals that I will set for myself.  What are those goals?  I will…

1. Finish losing the last of the baby weight (As of today, 13 pounds left).  With the recent purchase of a jogging stroller, I’m optimistic that this will be accomplished very soon.  Hey, let’s stay optimistic!  I’m not joining a gym to stop going within a month or so…

2. Write out my sewing/quilting projects to help organize and plan for the year.  Include pictures, especially when finished and tag fabric, etc to Instagram account page.  Perhaps blog it to keep myself accountable?

3. Pinterest/Save Ideas for cooking/recipes to try for the year.  I need at least 15 recipes to choose from, vary with ingredients due to seasonal produce, etc.

4. Attempt at least one new recipe a month, including desserts, which are NOT my specialty.

5. Finish a new project off my sewing/quilting list every two months.  Which one can I finish first?  Finishing something will encourage me to continue this goal and set my drive on high for the next project.  Which projects do I already have all of the fabric for?  What am I waiting on?  What’s kept me from working on them already?

Failure is not an option this year or for any time in the future.  I’m a mom now.  Failure doesn’t even belong in my vocabulary anymore.  I simply cannot fail.  I must now always be a role model and set the standard for my daughter.  She is with me always and she watches me like a hawk.

What do I EXPECT her to LEARN from watching me ACCOMPLISH my goals this year?  I know she will learn that when she sets her mind to doing something, she can do it and do it well.  I know she will learn what is realistic and what is crazy talk for goals/resolutions.  I know my daughter likes to watch me sew and cook, because she does it every day!  Hey, at least it’s quality entertainment.

What do I EXPECT myself to LEARN from this year?  Well, hopefully my sewing and cooking skills will only grow.  Hubby will love the new additions to the meal planner, especially the desserts!  This will also allow myself to finish tasks that will help relieve some burden and stress of the never ending to do lists.  Stress reducer?  Why haven’t I done this sooner?  Maybe I did and I just didn’t set the goal where I could achieve it.  Not this year!

This year, I will.  I will accomplish.  I will achieve.  I will thrive!

This will be the year that I will NOT fail.  I will only succeed.

I’ve heard several people discussing their “word” for the year…kind of like their mantra…I had never heard of this before and so I began thinking what would be my word.  What could it be?

I choose “Will”, as in I will accomplish, thrive, succeed.


First things first though….
Chocolate cupcakes…when the 4 year old says she wants to bake…you bake.

Devil’s Food Chocolate Cupcakes…Oh my…

Now this is how you start a new year!

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I enjoy gardening, quilting, sewing, & cooking as a relatively new stay-at-home mom of two girls.

I make custom handmade quilts for clients and recently decided to learn how to sew garments for my little girls.  Watch my journey & learn from my mistakes.

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